Masanao Watanabe

  • Treasurer
    Toyota Motor North America
  • Treasurer
    Canadian Autoparts Toyota, Inc.

Masanao Watanabe is treasurer for Toyota Motor North America (TMNA) and Canadian Autoparts Toyota, Inc. (CAPTIN). In this role, he is responsible for financial reporting, asset management, business strategy investing and maintaining financial relationships for short- and long-term organization planning. He also maintains a system of policies and procedures that impose an adequate level of control over treasury activities.

Prior to this role, Watanabe served as vice president advisor and treasurer for Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, U.S.A., Toyota’s joint-venture manufacturing plant located in Huntsville, Alabama, where he oversaw profit management and planning.

Since joining Toyota in 1996, Watanabe has held roles including vice president of accounting and finance at TMNA and general manager of product and cost planning reform for Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC).

Watanabe has a degree in International Business from Yokohama National University located in Yokohama, Japan.

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