When it comes to stewardship of that most precious liquid H2O, Toyota’s approach is anything but watered down. 

Certified LEED Toyota and Lexus dealers are reducing water usage by more than 20 percent.

Toyota's engine plant in Alabama is saving 300,000 gallons of water a year by reusing compressor condensate water in the cooling tower.

And Toyota’s paint shop in Cambridge, Ontario has reduced water usage by millions of gallons.

To find out more about how Toyota’s not just “going-with-the-flow,” check out the water section of the 2014 North American Environmental Report.


Jana Hartline

Environmental Report:   http://www.toyota.com/usa/environmentreport2014/
Media Web site:           http://pressroom.toyota.com 
Public Web site:           http://www.toyota.comwww.lexus.comwww.scion.com       


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